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  • New upgrade notification of 36 column circular gas health cabin
    發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-11 閱讀次數(shù):8922次
    As a result of the new upgrade of 36 columns of circular gas health cabin, the supply price of agents at all levels is up 50 yuan, and the current national unified retail price is 6980. This is hereby notified.
    Upgrade content:
    1, the lining is upgraded to improve the heat preservation effect, waterproof, and anti odor.
    2, the circle above the cabin transformation cover, removable zipper, convenient installation and cleaning and dry inside the cabin.
    3, double deck cover internal add circular bracket, which is convenient for fixing the cabin.
    台北市| 阿巴嘎旗| 宿州市| 锡林郭勒盟| 铜鼓县| 社会| 墨玉县| 德安县| 凌海市| 忻城县| 衡山县| 当阳市| 禄丰县| 临清市| 昌宁县| 美姑县| 灌南县| 南昌县| 重庆市| 万宁市| 贵港市| 东山县| 宝鸡市| 夏邑县| 厦门市| 克山县| 灵川县| 洛浦县| 台安县| 项城市| 民权县| 米林县| 陈巴尔虎旗| 广元市| 宜兴市| 深水埗区| 咸阳市| 荔波县| 清水县| 祁连县| 万宁市|